In the Table, click the Country Rank column to view the radar chart of the institution, click University to view the institution’s detailed information over the years.

Country Rank University Score 11 Years Articles Current Articles 11 Years Citations Current Citations Ave. Citations H-Index HiCi Papers Hi-Impact Journal Articles World Rank
1 Polytechnic University of Catalonia 46.8 47.6 46.5 55.4 48.1 34.0 47.1 40.1 51.9 114
2 University of Seville 45.5 43.2 45.3 51.5 48.6 38.5 51.9 39.8 45.5 137
3 Polytechnic University of Madrid 43.9 45.4 45.6 48.4 46.5 29.2 48.7 37.5 47.9 190
4 Polytechnic University of Valencia 43.4 44.6 45.0 50.0 46.0 32.8 47.1 37.5 43.0 206
5 University of Zaragoza 41.7 40.2 40.1 46.7 43.2 40.5 40.7 37.8 43.4 265
6 Universidad Carlos III de Madrid 41.0 40.7 41.8 43.7 44.2 30.8 43.9 36.1 45.1 286
--- University of the Basque Country --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 301-350
--- University of Castilla-La Mancha --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 351-400
--- University of Vigo --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 351-400