In the Table, click the Country Rank column to view the radar chart of the institution, click University to view the institution’s detailed information over the years.

Country Rank Name Score 11 Years Articles Current Articles 11 Years Citations Current Citations Ave. Citations H-Index HiCi Papers Hi-Impact Journal Articles World Rank
1 Paris Cite University 53.4 63.1 50.2 51.3 50.8 62.3 73.9 47.6 39.9 15
2 Paris-Saclay University 48.2 55.5 50.2 43.5 42.0 59.3 67.0 39.1 39.3 31
3 Sorbonne University 47.3 53.6 48.5 42.5 42.0 60.0 68.8 37.8 37.3 35
4 PSL University 40.3 43.9 38.0 35.4 34.2 60.7 58.3 31.8 32.1 106
5 Aix-Marseille University 39.6 41.1 40.6 32.0 35.2 56.7 62.4 28.9 32.6 119
6 University of Montpellier 38.4 40.7 40.1 30.8 33.9 53.3 57.8 28.0 33.4 146
7 Grenoble Alpes University 36.7 39.1 37.5 30.2 32.0 54.7 52.8 26.7 30.9 179
8 Paul Sabatier University- Toulouse 3 35.8 36.5 34.4 29.0 30.7 57.5 54.6 26.3 29.6 205
9 University of Bordeaux 35.4 35.7 34.1 28.1 30.8 55.5 55.1 25.8 29.9 222
10 Claude Bernard University Lyon 1 35.0 37.1 34.4 28.7 30.2 54.4 51.4 25.9 28.8 239
11 University of Lille 34.5 34.5 35.1 26.3 31.0 50.0 55.5 24.0 30.5 259
12 University of Strasbourg 33.8 34.0 33.0 26.9 29.6 55.6 50.5 24.1 28.2 282
13 University of Lorraine 32.8 33.4 32.3 25.7 29.1 50.1 50.5 23.6 28.7 353
14 University of Rennes 1 32.6 33.1 31.3 25.8 28.3 52.5 50.0 24.2 27.0 373
16 University of Nantes 32.2 31.5 30.7 24.9 28.2 52.6 49.1 23.5 27.8 404
17 Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University 32.1 30.1 28.6 24.6 27.5 59.5 48.6 22.9 27.2 416
18 Ecole Normale Superieure 31.9 28.5 29.4 23.6 27.5 62.6 46.8 22.3 26.9 435
19 University of Cote d'Azur 31.9 30.3 29.9 24.4 27.6 55.8 48.2 23.2 27.0 437
20 College de France 31.3 27.2 26.2 22.9 25.7 73.8 42.2 21.7 25.5 475
--- Paris-Est Creteil Val-de-Marne University - Paris 12 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 501-550
--- University of Burgundy --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 501-550
--- University of Clermont Auvergne --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 501-550
--- Grenoble Institute of Technology --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 551-600
--- The City of Paris Industrial Physics and Chemistry Higher Educational Institution --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 551-600
--- University of Savoy --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 551-600
--- Ecole Polytechnique --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 601-650
--- Polytechnic Institute of Paris --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 601-650
--- Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 701-750
--- Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 851-900
--- University of Caen Lower Normandy --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 851-900
--- University of Paris North - Paris 13 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 851-900
--- University of Poitiers --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 851-900
--- University of Rouen --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 851-900
--- Montpellier SupAgro --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 901-950
--- University of Western Brittany --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 901-950
--- Agro ParisTech --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 951-1000
--- Ecole des ponts ParisTech --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 951-1000
--- National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 951-1000